Data Security in Dedicated Servers: Protecting Your Critical Information

In today’s digital age, data security is of paramount importance. For businesses and individuals alike, ensuring critical information’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability is non-negotiable. Dedicated servers, known for their performance and control, are popular choices for hosting websites, applications, and sensitive data.

However, these servers are not immune to threats, so fortifying them against potential vulnerabilities is essential. If you are searching for the answer to “how do I secure dedicated server, this guide is only for you. It discusses the significance of DDoS protection for dedicated servers and offers a step-by-step guide on securing a dedicated server.

Let’s Understand the DDoS Threat

Distributed Denial of Service attacks have become a significant threat to dedicated servers. These attacks overload a server with massive traffic, rendering it inaccessible to legitimate users. Let’s look at some recent statistics to highlight the gravity of this threat:

The Netscout report shows that DDoS attack frequency increased by 20% in 2020, with an average of 4,790 daily attacks. 

In the first quarter of 2021 alone, there were 2.9 million DDoS attacks, marking a 31% increase compared to the same period in the previous year (Neustar Security).

The average cost of a DDoS attack for an organization was approximately $2.3 million in 2020, a notable increase from $1.3 million in 2019 (Statista).

Given these alarming statistics, it is evident that DDoS attacks continue to be a severe concern for dedicated server owners. Let’s explore some strategies for DDoS protection.

DDoS Protection for Dedicated Servers: What Steps to Consider?

Powerful dedicated servers offer unmatched control and performance for hosting websites, applications, and sensitive data. However, they are also prime targets for malicious actors seeking to disrupt online services through Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Securing a dedicated server from DDoS attacks demands that robust security measures be put in place. Here, we’ll discuss some key strategies for DDOS protection:

Firewalls and IDS/IPS

Recent advancements in DDoS attacks have made it crucial to employ robust firewalls and Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems (IDS/IPS). These systems monitor incoming traffic, identifying patterns indicative of DDoS attacks and blocking malicious traffic.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

Recent research from Cloudflare suggests that CDNs are highly effective against DDoS attacks. By distributing traffic across different servers and data centers, CDNs can absorb and mitigate the impact of DDoS attacks, ensuring uninterrupted service.

Traffic Scrubbing Services

Recent data from Akamai indicates that traffic scrubbing services offered by DDoS protection providers are increasingly effective. These services filter out malicious traffic before it reaches your dedicated server, safeguarding your online presence.

How to Secure a Dedicated Server?

Are you looking for DDOS Protection for Dedicated Server? Digiturunc can help you. Our Anti Ddos solution offers a safe and secure shield for your website, safeguarding your online business against the relentless threat of DDoS attacks.

Our comprehensive protection, tailored for enterprise data centers, employs a multi-layered defense strategy encompassing a wide range of known DDoS techniques. Moreover, it goes beyond the present, with the capability to detect and proactively mitigate future threats through meticulous data activity analysis. With Digiturunc’s DDoS Protection Solution, your server’s security is in expert hands, ensuring uninterrupted online operations for your critical assets.

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Beyond DDoS protection, securing a dedicated server involves a multifaceted approach. Recent statistics underline the importance of proactive security measures:

In 2020, 67% of data breaches resulted from credential theft and brute force attacks (Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report).

The global average data breach cost in 2021 was $4.24 million (IBM Security).

Now, let’s dive into finding an answer to “How do I secure dedicated server?”

Keep Software Updated

Recent data breaches often exploit known vulnerabilities. Regularly update the server’s operating system, applications, and security software to patch these vulnerabilities.

Strong Authentication

Recent studies by security experts emphasize the importance of strong authentication. Implement robust password policies and consider adopting multi-factor authentication (MFA) to thwart unauthorized access.


Configuring firewalls is essential to security. Recent reports from Gartner suggest that application-layer firewalls are highly effective in protecting against web-based attacks. Customize your firewall rules to allow only necessary traffic and block unused ports.

Regular Backups

Recent data from the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) shows that ransomware attacks are rising. Regularly back up critical data and configurations, storing them securely and separately from the server to ensure recoverability in case of data loss or breaches.

Monitoring and Logging

Recent breaches have shown the importance of real-time monitoring and log analysis. Set up monitoring tools to detect suspicious activities and maintain logs for post-incident analysis.

Access Control

Restricting access to the server is vital. Use role-based access control (RBAC) to manage permissions effectively and limit access to only authorized personnel.


Recent breaches involving data interception underscore the need for encryption. Employ SSL/TLS protocols for data in transit and encryption for data at rest to prevent data theft.

Security Patches

Stay vigilant about security patches. A recent National Institute of Standards and Technology study revealed that many breaches could have been prevented with timely patching.

Security Audits

Regular security audits as well as vulnerability assessments are essential. Recent surveys by cybersecurity firms indicate that organizations that conduct audits are better prepared to defend against emerging threats.

Incident Response Plan

Develop an incident response plan. Recent incidents have highlighted the need for a coordinated response. A well-defined plan can minimize damage in the event of a security breach.

The Ever-Evolving Threat Landscape

The statistics mentioned earlier highlight the dynamic nature of the cybersecurity landscape. Threats are constantly evolving, and security measures must adapt accordingly. Staying informed about emerging threats is crucial:

  • In 2021, there was a 151% increase in ransomware attacks (Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report).
  • Phishing attacks increased by 47% in 2020 (Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency).
  • Mobile malware attacks surged by 54% in 2020 (McAfee).

Ending Note

Securing a dedicated server is a multifaceted endeavor that requires continuous vigilance and adaptation. Recent statistics underscore the urgency of taking proactive steps to protect critical information.

DDoS attacks, data breaches, and other cyber threats pose substantial risks, but by implementing robust security measures, staying updated on emerging threats, and developing a comprehensive security strategy, you can mitigate these risks and maintain the integrity and availability of your dedicated server. In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, proactive measures are the key to safeguarding your valuable data and ensuring a secure online presence.

Shielding Your Website from Chaos: The Complete Guide to DDoS Protection

A Distributed Denial of Service attack is an unexpected cyberattack designed to render a targeted website inaccessible or restrict it down significantly by overwhelming the network, server, or app with a barrage of fake traffic. Even a small traffic volume directed towards a vulnerable, resource-intensive endpoint is good for the attack to be successful.

Online business owners must have an understanding of this type of attack. However, understanding various DDoS attacks can be time-consuming. To help you in understanding what a DDoS attack is and how to protect your website from it, we have gathered the following comprehensive guide on DDoS protection.

What is a DDoS Attack?

A DDoS attack is an unauthorized attempt to make your working website or service unavailable to your users by overwhelming it with a traffic flood. Such attacks involve multiple sources distributed across different networks. Attackers, often controlling botnets (networks of compromised devices), orchestrate the assault, making it extremely challenging to block or mitigate. 

However, if you have a DDoS attack, consider enlisting the expertise of Digiturunc. As a renowned DDoS mitigation service provider, Digiturunc offers DDoS protection services to help you protect tidal waves of malicious traffic. Equipped with cutting-edge infrastructure and a team of cybersecurity experts, Digiturunc detects and mitigates DDoS attacks in real time, ensuring your website remains operational, come what may.

Impact of DDoS Attacks: Explore Every Here

In the digital age, DDoS attacks have emerged as one of the most disruptive cyber threats, causing unprecedented chaos and devastation to businesses and individuals alike. Let’s delve into the impact of these malicious assaults and explore some startling statistics that highlight the magnitude of their destructive power.

Downtime Demolition

DDoS attacks can bring websites to their knees, resulting in crippling downtime. According to a study by Imperva, 29% of businesses experienced website downtime during a DDoS attack. The aftermath of these attacks often leaves organizations reeling, as every minute of rest translates to potential revenue losses and damage to brand reputation.

Financial Frenzy

The financial repercussions of DDoS attacks can be staggering. Neustar’s study shows that in 2020 average cost of a DDoS attack for organizations was around $100,000 to $250,000 per incident. The prices can be higher for larger enterprises, with some attacks resulting in losses resulting to pay organizations of around $2 million.

Brand Erosion

A successful DDoS attack can have a very bad effect on brand image and customer trust. Kaspersky survey found that almost 57% of organizations experienced long-term damage due to a DDoS attack. Rebuilding trust among customers and stakeholders becomes a formidable challenge, and brand loyalty may suffer irreparable harm.

Record-Breaking Attacks

DDoS attacks continuously evolve, with attackers constantly devising new tactics to overwhelm defenses. In recent years, record-breaking attacks have been witnessed. One notable example occurred in 2018 when GitHub had a massive DDoS attack that reached a staggering peak traffic volume of 1.35 Tbps, setting a new record.

DDoS as a Smokescreen

DDoS attacks are not only disruptive but can also serve as diversionary tactics. Cybercriminals often use DDoS attacks to divert security teams’ attention from other simultaneous attacks aimed at data theft or network infiltration. A successful DDoS attack can create confusion and chaos, providing cover for more nefarious cyber activities.

What is DDoS protection?

DDoS protection is a set of measures that helps you protect your online website and server. DDoS protection service providers can help you detect and mitigate these attacks in real time, guaranteeing that the targeted system can continue to function and maintain availability for users. 

DDoS protection may involve various methods, such as traffic filtering, rate limiting, load balancing, Web Application Firewall (WAF) implementation, and traffic anomaly detection.

By employing robust DDoS protection, organizations can safeguard their online presence, prevent downtime, protect their brand reputation, and ensure uninterrupted services for their users, even in the face of relentless cyber threats. Are you looking for the best DDoS protection service provider, Digiturunc can be your partner. 

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Effective DDoS Protection Strategies

Compelling DDoS protection strategies are vital to protect your website from the ever-present threat of Distributed Denial of Service attacks. By implementing a multi-layered defense, you can strengthen your online presence and guarantee uninterrupted access for legitimate users. Here are some effective DDoS protection strategies to consider:

DDoS Mitigation Services

Taking support from a reputable DDoS mitigation service is a proactive step towards safeguarding your website. These specialized services have the infrastructure and expertise to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks in real-time, ensuring minimal downtime and uninterrupted services for your users.

Load Balancing

It distributes incoming traffic across multiple servers, ensuring no single server becomes overwhelmed during peak periods or an attack. This way, legitimate traffic is managed effectively, and DDoS traffic can be better isolated.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

A WAF acts as a protective barrier between your website and incoming traffic, analyzing requests and blocking suspicious or malicious traffic. A WAF can prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in your web applications by setting rules and filters.

Rate Limiting

Rate limiting restricts the number of requests from a single IP address within a specified timeframe. By implementing rate limits, you can minimize the impact of DDoS attacks from individual sources without affecting legitimate users.

Anycast DNS

Using Anycast DNS (Domain Name System) can help distribute incoming DNS queries across multiple servers in different locations. This decentralizes the DNS resolution process, improving resilience against DDoS attacks targeting the DNS infrastructure.

Traffic Monitoring and Anomaly Detection

Continuous network traffic monitoring lets you identify unusual patterns and potential DDoS attacks early. Employing anomaly detection techniques enables swift action in response to sudden traffic spikes.

Scalable Infrastructure

Having a scalable infrastructure that can handle increased traffic during an attack is crucial. Cloud-based hosting solutions, for example, allow for flexible resource allocation, making it easier to absorb and mitigate DDoS traffic.

Incident Response Plan

Developing a comprehensive incident response plan for DDoS attacks is vital. This plan should include predefined roles, responsibilities, and actions to be taken in case of an attack, ensuring a coordinated and efficient response.

Ending Note

As the internet continues to play an integral role in our lives, protecting websites from DDoS attacks becomes paramount. By employing robust technologies, engaging expert DDoS mitigation services, and maintaining an agile incident response plan, website owners can shield their online presence from chaos and maintain seamless operations even in the face of malicious threats.

One such reliable DDoS protection service provider is Digiturunc. With its cutting-edge infrastructure and expertise in handling DDoS attacks, Digiturunc offers top-notch protection for businesses and individuals alike. By partnering with Digiturunc, you can fortify your website against DDoS attacks, ensuring uninterrupted service and a secure digital environment for your users.

Remember, staying ahead in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats requires constant vigilance, regular security assessments, and a commitment to implementing best practices to ensure a safer online experience for everyone. Safeguard your digital assets today with Digiturunc’s DDoS protection services, and rest assured that your website is shielded from the chaos of cyber-attacks.

Role of VDS’ in Revolutionizing Gaming Servers

Online video gaming allows web users to interact in a virtual world. Game publishers offer public servers to provide a multi-player gaming experience to players. A private server is required for people looking to have an improved gaming experience.

Many game publishers wonder which machine is needed to host online games. They must select the required server to deliver optimal performance that meets their gaming needs. The pricing ratio is also crucial as players expect to play games within budget. A Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) meets all the criteria with flexible resources and affordable pricing.

You can find the right service provider if you are looking for VDS services. Choose a company that offers affordable services and helps you run a game server without carrying about international and domestic DDoS attacks.

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Role of Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) in Gaming Servers

As the demand for high-performing gaming servers increases, the VDS has emerged as a game-changer. Let’s explore why Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) are essential for gaming servers and help optimize gamers’ gaming experience.

Traditional Gaming Servers Challenges

There was a limitation with processing power, network bandwidth, and memory with traditional gaming servers. These constraints often result in latency issues, decreased overall performance, and more. Latency delays of 100 milliseconds can result in a bad gaming experience, decreasing gameplay fluidity, and slower response time.

VDS in Gaming

VDS is an approach to server hosting that bridges the gap between traditional servers and virtual private servers. Unlike VPS, where a single server is divided into multiple virtual environments, VDS provides users with dedicated resources within a virtualized environment.

VDS operates independently, offering its own resources like CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. This approach delivers improved performance, security, and customization options compared to traditional shared hosting or VPS.

Advantages of VDS in Gaming Server Environments

In the intricate ecosystem of gaming servers, the integration of VDS emerges as a catalyst for a host of benefits that resonate powerfully with gamers and developers alike. This article unravels the manifold advantages that VDS brings to the forefront, reshaping the landscape of gaming server experiences.

Enhanced Performance

Gaming servers demand unwavering performance to ensure seamless gameplay. VDS strides into the scene with dedicated resources for each virtual server, eliminating resource contention that often plagues shared environments. This results in reduced latency, swift response times, and a gaming environment where split-second decisions translate into victory. By circumventing the performance bottlenecks, VDS guarantees an immersive gaming experience like no other.


The mercurial nature of gaming demands servers that can scale up or down in a heartbeat. VDS rises with its innate scalability, allowing game developers to swiftly adapt to fluctuations in player activity or surge in demand. This agility ensures that game servers remain robust and responsive during peak loads, evading frustrating downtime and enabling an uninterrupted gaming journey.

Customization Unleashed

The VDS beauty lies in its capacity to be molded according to individual requirements. Game developers can fine-tune server configurations, optimize settings, and introduce tailor-made software, crafting a gaming environment that mirrors their creative vision. This level of customization injects a fresh breath of innovation into gameplay dynamics, propelling game design possibilities to new horizons.

Cost-Efficiency Redefined

VDS shines as a beacon of cost-efficiency in the realm where quality meets budget constraints. Unlike traditional dedicated servers that often bear a hefty price tag, VDS delivers dedicated resources at a fraction of the cost. This democratization of high-performance server hosting expands the accessibility of top-notch gaming experiences, ensuring that financial limitations do not hinder immersive gameplay.

Security Fortified

Security is the cornerstone of the gaming world, safeguarding players’ data and progress. VDS elevates security by isolating each virtual server within its boundary, thwarting potential breaches and unauthorized access. 

Hosting providers can implement robust security measures, creating a fortified gaming realm where players can fully immerse themselves without worry.

In the grand tapestry of gaming server evolution, Virtual Dedicated Servers thread together a narrative of improved performance, scalability, customization, cost-efficiency, and fortified security. As the gaming landscape evolves, VDS stands resolute as a vanguard of transformation, promising a future where gaming experiences transcend boundaries and forge new frontiers.

Critical Considerations for Implementing VDS in Gaming

In the dynamic realm of online gaming, implementing Virtual Dedicated Servers is a pivotal choice that can significantly impact the gaming experience. This discourse dives into the crucial considerations that gamers should weigh when contemplating the integration of VDS into their gaming pursuits.

Performance Prioritization

The heart of gaming lies in performance. When opting for VDS, meticulous attention to performance parameters is paramount. 

Assess the allocated resources—CPU, RAM, and storage—to ensure they align with the game’s requirements. Dedicating ample resources guarantees seamless gameplay, eliminating lag and ensuring responsiveness, a cornerstone of an immersive gaming experience.

Scalability & Future-Proofing

The gaming landscape is ever-evolving, marked by unexpected spikes in demand during new game releases or special events. A VDS with scalable resources ensures your gaming server can handle these fluctuations without a hitch. Consider providers that offer easy scaling options, allowing you to expand resources as your gaming community grows.

Customization Flexibility

The allure of VDS lies in its customization potential. Delve into the extent of control you’re afforded over server settings. For gamers seeking to unleash their creativity with modding or unique game configurations, ensure the chosen VDS accommodates these aspirations. The degree of customization directly influences the richness of your gaming world.

Budget and Value Proposition

While VDS offers enhanced performance, its affordability is a driving factor compared to traditional dedicated servers. Define your budget and seek a VDS solution that aligns with it. Investigate different providers, comparing pricing structures, resource allocations, and additional features. The goal is to maximize value without compromising on performance.

Security Considerations

A secure gaming environment is non-negotiable. Scrutinize the security measures offered by the VDS provider. Isolation of virtual servers, encryption protocols, and DDoS protection are crucial features that safeguard your gaming ecosystem and players’ data.

Technical Support & Reliability

The gaming world never sleeps, and neither should your server. Opt for a VDS provider that offers reliable technical support, ensuring that assistance is readily available in case of unforeseen challenges. Downtime can harm your gaming community, so prioritize providers with robust uptime guarantees.

Geographical Location

The physical location of the VDS data center can impact latency, affecting the gaming experience. Choose a provider with data centers strategically positioned to reduce latency for your target audience. Lower latency translates to smoother gameplay and improved competitiveness.

In the intricate tapestry of online gaming, implementing Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) carries profound implications for your gaming venture. By meticulously considering performance, scalability, customization, budget, security, technical support, and geographical aspects, you set the stage for a gaming environment that meets and exceeds expectations. VDS integration, when approached with sagacity, has the potential to elevate your gaming escapades to unparalleled heights.

Ending Note

In the ever-evolving gaming landscape, where milliseconds can be the difference between defeat and glory, the role of Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) is a testament to innovation’s power. As the curtain falls on this exploration of VDS technology’s transformative impact on gaming servers, we’re reminded that progress is not a mere concept; it’s a force that reshapes the very foundation of our digital experiences.

From battling the specter of lag to embracing the thrill of victory, VDS propels us into a realm where performance knows no compromise, customization is a canvas for boundless creativity, and seamless gameplay unites us in a shared pursuit of triumph. So, as you venture into virtual battlegrounds and digital adventures, may VDS be the steadfast companion that escorts you from every lag-ridden challenge to the exhilarating crescendo of victory.

Managed Vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Servers: Choosing the Right Level of Support

When it comes to choosing from dedicated servers, there are two main options. These include:

1. Managed dedicated servers.

2. Unmanaged dedicated servers.

There is a debate about whether to purchase managed or unmanaged dedicated servers.

To make a better choice, you need to understand how each dedicated server differs and what they offer. Read the blog to find the difference between managed and unmanaged dedicated servers. Knowing the difference can help you know which best suits your requirement.

What is a Dedicated Server?

A single physical server can be termed a dedicated server. It is housed in an off-site data center that is dedicated to a single user. The servers are known for good storage speed, high-performing processing power features, and improved connection. A dedicated server is a right choice for businesses that require immense processing power.

As a business owner, if you are looking for dedicated server and housing services, Digi Turunc can cater to your needs. Check everything about the Digiturunc.

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What is a Managed Server?

A managed server refers to a type of hosting service where the hosting provider or a dedicated team takes care of the management and maintenance tasks associated with the server. With a managed server, the hosting provider assumes responsibility for tasks such as server setup, security, monitoring, software updates, backups, and technical support.

Pros of Managed Servers

  • Great accessibility.
  • Anyone can use a managed dedicated server, as the hosting provider will manage and handle everything.
  • Provide opportunities for businesses to focus on their business.
  • A perfect option for those with no server managing knowledge.

Cons for Managed Servers

  • Expensive.
  • Users need to discuss everything with a managing entity before making any changes.

Benefits of Managed Dedicated Servers

Technical Expertise

There is always a technical expert who helps you with technical aspects and helps you focus on business.


An experienced technician is always there for you to support and solve all the technical issues whenever they arise.

What is an Unmanaged Server?

An unmanaged server is a hosting service where a hosting provider provides the server, but the customer is responsible for all aspects of server management and maintenance. With an unmanaged server, the hosting provider offers the hardware, network connectivity, and basic infrastructure. Still, the customer takes full responsibility for server setup, configuration, security, software updates, backups, and technical support.

Pros for Unmanaged Servers

  • Cheaper option.
  • Provide full control to users.
  • Easy customization and optimization for users.

Cons for Unmanaged Servers

  • Need more effort and time to be sustained.
  • Users need a great amount of server-managing knowledge.

Related Article: When do you need a dedicated server for your business?

Benefits of Unmanaged Dedicated Servers

Great Control

The unmanaged server provides businesses with complete control and helps to configure it however they like, including software installation and more.


When you are looking for a less expensive dedicated server, unmanaged servers are the perfect choice to make. But managing servers’ responsibility belongs to you.


You can customize the unmanaged server as per your requirements. These customizations include operating system selection, control panel, etc. This can be beneficial for companies that provide unique products or services and require a specific infrastructure environment on which to operate it.

Read Related: Advantages of Dedicated Servers (VDS)

Managed Vs Unmanaged Server: Difference to Look into!

Businesses can select between managed and unmanaged dedicated servers after comprising price, hosting plans, the flexibility provided, and more. Hence understanding the difference between managed and unmanaged dedicated servers can help you make a sound decision.

Server Management

When it comes to managed servers, hosting providers take care of everything. They even take care of managing servers. Whereas in the case of unmanaged servers companies need to take care of server management, this responsibility doesn’t fall into the company’s responsibility.


When you go with managed dedicated servers, you get full support. Business owners don’t have to focus on maintaining servers or other web server issues while opting for managed dedicated server options.

While you don’t get complete support when you choose the unmanaged dedicated server option. If you do not have a team to manage the server, it’s a wise choice to go with the managed server option.

Digiturunc has a fully managed dedicated server that provides increased performance, great security, higher reliability, and exclusive network resources. Our experienced technicians are certified and help you solve all issues at an optimal time.

Flexibility and Price

An unmanaged dedicated server is cheaper than a managed dedicated server. Besides, Unmanaged Dedicated gives you complete freedom to set up your website the way you want it. Whereas with managed solutions, there is someone from the hosting provider who takes care of everything.

Explore the table to have a quick look into the difference between managed and unmanaged dedicated servers.
Related Article : Dedicated Gaming Server: 5 Things You Should Know

ParametersManaged Unmanaged
Freedom Less control as the technician manages everything.You get control of everything.
Price High priceLower cost
Your involvement    You don’t have to be involved at all. The company takes care of everything.     There are a lot of things that you need to do on a regular basis.
Your Responsibility  You’re not responsible for anything in terms of safety, backups, etc. As you pay, experts will do all.You’re only responsible for everything, from security to updates and more.

Ending Note

A managed dedicated server is a suitable choice if you prefer to delegate server management tasks to an experienced team, focus on your core business, and value convenience and support.

On the other hand, an unmanaged dedicated server is ideal if you have the technical expertise and resources to handle server administration independently, desire maximum control and customization, and prioritize cost savings. Consider your specific needs, technical capabilities, and budget to make an informed decision.

Digiturunc offers robust Dedicated Hosting plans. The company provides SSD-based storage, DDoS protection, instant server provisioning, full root access, server administration panel, and more. You can contact the support team if you are looking for a dedicated server for your business.

What is the Difference Between VDS and VPS?

Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) are both types of virtualization technologies used in hosting services. While they share similarities, there are also distinct advantages and disadvantages to consider when comparing the two. Comparing the two can help you make a better choice for your next hosting service and secure your server from all unexpected threats.

What is A Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS)?

It is a type of hosting service that provides users with a virtualized environment that simulates a dedicated server. It combines the benefits of virtualization technology with the control and flexibility of a dedicated server.

In a VDS, a physical server is divided into multiple virtual machines (VMs) using a hypervisor. Each VM functions as an independent server with its own operating system, resources, and dedicated allocation of CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth.

Virtual Dedicated Servers are commonly used by businesses or individuals who require more control, flexibility, and resources than what is offered by shared hosting but may not require the full capacity of a dedicated server. There are both pros and cons of Virtual Dedicated servers including:

Realated : Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One is Right for You? | In-Depth Comparison

Advantages of Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS):

  • Enhanced Performance
  • Increased Control
  • Improved Security
  • Scalability

Disadvantages of Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS):

  • Higher Cost
  • Complexity

Leverage the full control, capacity, and resources by selecting the right service provider. Seek VDS service from Digiturunc as the company’s Cloud virtual dedicated server (VDS) solutions are built to satisfy all your requirements and scale up as your company expands.

What is a Virtual Private Server (VPS)?

It is a type of hosting service that utilizes virtualization technology to create virtual instances of operating systems within a physical server. It provides users with a virtual environment that mimics a dedicated server while sharing the underlying hardware with other virtual servers.

In a VPS hosting setup, a physical server is divided into multiple virtual servers through the use of a hypervisor. Each virtual server operates independently and is isolated from other virtual servers on the same machine, offering users privacy and control over their allocated resources.

VPS hosting is commonly used by individuals, small to medium-sized businesses, and organizations that require more control, customization, and dedicated resources than what shared hosting offers, without the need for a dedicated server’s full capacity.

Related: Windows or Linux VPS: Which is the Better Choice for You?

Advantages of Virtual Private Servers (VPS):

  • Cost-Effective
  • Ease of Use
  • Scalability

Disadvantages of Virtual Private Servers (VPS):

  • Shared Resources
  • Limited Control

If you want Cloud virtual private server (VPS) solutions for your business, Digiturunc can provide you with them. The company’s solution is developed and will meet all your requirements.

Difference Between VDS and VPS

It’s important to evaluate your specific requirements, budget, technical expertise, and performance needs when choosing between VDS and VPS hosting options.

Virtual Private Servers (VPS)Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS)
A virtual private server is a form of multi-tenant cloud hosting, enabling users with virtualized server resources to connect to users over the web via the cloud or hosting provider.
A virtual dedicated server is an IaaS cloud that enables users to provide an isolated server over the web. It enables resources and functionality similar to an in-house server that is managed on a rental basis by the cloud service provider.
A virtual Private Server is a server configured to host server instances.
VDS takes up the whole server.  
VPS is cost-effective compared to VDS.It’s less cost-effective compared to VPS.
It offers predominant convenience & scalability as compared to VDS.
It doesn’t offer predominant convenience & scalability.
It uses OpenVZ technology which is basically OS-level virtualization and its benefit is the work speed.
It uses KVM technology that enables installing OS for VNC and visitors, which enables users to run the virtual server-like part of your system.
Hosting terminology, virtual machines created with OS-level virtualization are termed VPS.
Hosting terminology, virtual machines with paravirtualization is termed VDS.  
It provides less functionality compared to VDS.  
It provides a better level of functionality compared to VPS.
Its operation is controlled and managed by the OS.
Its operation is controlled and managed by server hardware.
It’s a multi-tenant environment. For example, customers have sole access to the VPS environment, they share hardware with more clients.
It has a single-tenant environment. For example, only one client has access to hardware.  
It’s a low-load task that enables you to connect remote desktops and collective work with small eCommerce deployment, collective work with office apps, corporate sites, and more.
It’s a better option when it comes to large eCommerce projects, streaming video, and audio apps, game servers, and high-load apps with improved traffic.

Ending Note

In conclusion, the main difference between Virtual Dedicated Servers (VDS) and Virtual Private Servers (VPS) lies in the level of resource allocation and control.

VDS offers dedicated resources, similar to a dedicated server, providing users with enhanced performance and isolation from other virtual servers. It grants users greater control and customization options, making it suitable for those who require high-performance and advanced configurations.

On the other hand, VPS hosting also provides dedicated resources, but they are shared among multiple virtual servers on the same physical machine. While offering a more cost-effective solution, VPS may have slight performance fluctuations due to resource sharing. VPS is generally easier to manage and requires less technical expertise compared to VDS.

Ultimately, the choice between VDS and VPS depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical requirements. If you require dedicated resources, advanced control, and higher performance, VDS may be the better choice. If you seek a cost-effective solution with reasonable performance and ease of management, VPS is a suitable option

Dedicated Gaming Server: 5 Things You Should Know

Dedicated gaming servers are the best options for gamers in search of seamless gaming experiences. It is incredibly useful to use the best gaming server. But what things you must consider to find a dedicated gaming server and how it improves the overall gaming experience?

In the changing gaming sector, the demand for dedicated gaming servers is increasing steadily. There are lots of reasons to choose a gaming server and one is an improved gaming experience. Hardcore gamers are particular about getting the best-graphic gaming without latency, uninterrupted, bandwidth, and connectivity problems.

The industry evolution means that they have to upgrade their hardware to enjoy the latest games the way they are intended to. It’s where gaming servers come into the spotlight. Most of the computing needs of gaming are handled with dedicated gaming servers. Gamers can enjoy the gaming experience without any hassle.

Read Related : Dedicated Game Server: How To Choose The Right Game Server?

5 Important Things to Look into a Dedicated Gaming Server

Are you looking to buy a dedicated server? Wondering what important things to look into while purchasing a dedicated gaming server? If so, there are a number of options to choose from. But it becomes essential for you to go with the best options from the vast options available.

Besides your needs and budget, there are a lot more things that you have to consider while choosing a dedicated gaming server. You need to look for specific features and functionalities to get the best gaming performance and value. Choosing the right server package with amazing features can help you enjoy great security and improved gaming performance.

DDoS Protection & Improved Service

When purchasing the dedicated server, you need to consider the DDoS protection standard. DDoS attacks are common on the internet and without appropriate protection, an attack can undoubtedly leave you facing a lot of downtime amounts, tarnished reputation, and loss of revenue.

DDoS protection should be a crucial part of the dedicated server package, you need to enjoy better performance along with security. You need to prevent downtime and element the DDoS attacks of 10 Gbps and more. You never know when you will face this unexpected problem. Run an obstacle while navigating the dedicated server or end up with a network issue.

Choose the dedicated gaming server that comes with 24*7 support and customer service. If you have any concerns or questions, you need to make sure that you get in touch with a professional team who can help you in all senses. Regardless of time and day, you need to ensure that the team helps you in the most effective manner.

Choosing the Right Operating System

Either Windows or Linux can be used to host the private gaming platform. Linux is the most popular as it uses lower resources and costs low. You do not have to worry about licensing as it’s an open-source platform, whereas you need licenses with Windows. Hence it’s common to have an increase in performance on Linux over Windows.

Linux enables users to include any useful functions they have added to the server like backup systems. With Linux, they can even run any issues through the useful debugging tool. You ought to search for specific games that are incompatible with Windows while Linux is widely supported.

Linux is used over Windows due to lots of reasons. However, Windows is still the most preferred option. For example, Global Offensive is often hosted on Windows as the installation process is quicker with plenty of online support.

Backups & Data Redundancy

Gaming requirements are changing over time and players need servers capable of adapting to the evolving requirements. An improved cloud provider can improve customizable server solutions. When you buy a dedicated gaming server, you have to know that it is one you can rely on in terms of overall security and uptime.

It’s where searching for a dedicated server with data redundancies for security is needed. Is it looking for possibilities that come with 100% uptime service-level power agreement, network, and cooling operations? You are required to know that the data center has been built to withstand any kind of disaster imaginably. Find the company that enables you to back up the server data, this helps to create more layers of protection for businesses or services.

Number of Players Using Gaming Server

The number of players playing the game determines the gaming server’s minimum system requirements. More connections to a server mean your dedicated gaming server has to process more data. Hence you need a server that processes more power and memory. This simply means the minimum hardware needs are going to be high for servers with more active players.

The number of players in the game depends on the game type they are playing. With a single-person game like Counter-Strike, players will not find more players. Whereas multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft have lots of players on the server.

While accommodating players’ amounts you need to allocate a great budget for the hardware price. If you are willing to boost the player base, you need to consider planning and have the right hardware, helping to element the constant migrations and upgrades.

System Administrator Support

If a dedicated gaming server idea seems to be complicated and time-consuming, you should manage dedicated server management and hosting. This simply means you have system administrator support.

You need to search for a company that provides Microsoft and Linux-certified system administrators to help you run everything smoothly as per your requirements. With unmanaged dedicated hosting, providers need some level of support for hardware-related problems as you are hosting in the data center.

Ending Note

Gamers are trying to get the best gaming experience for themselves. This is possible with dedicated gaming servers. Digiturunc provides amazing solutions including a highly secure and dedicated private cloud environment. Our Virtual cloud private server and packages help you get your gaming server.

Want to know more about the gaming server and pricing, please contact us today.

Cloud Hosting vs VPS Hosting: Which One is Right for You? | In-Depth Comparison

Finding the right hosting service for your website is really difficult, this becomes more complicated for those who haven’t gone through the process before. There are many hosting service providers who provide impressive uptime, a smooth experience, and tasty discounts.

In short, when it comes to different hosting service types it becomes intimidating and tedious to choose the right one. The price and features for each hosting type differ as well. Making the difference between Cloud and VPS hosting is quite a tricky process. If you want to know everything about Cloud Vs VPS hosting, have a quick look over the difference in this blog.

Read Related : Windows or Linux VPS: Which is the Better Choice for You?

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is a web hosting service that utilizes server virtualization power. It ensures fast performance and high uptime for your website. It helps you with apps and websites available on the internet using the cloud. Unlike traditional hosting, this type of solution isn’t deployed on a single server.

Cloud hosting pools resources from physical as well as virtual servers, enabling greater flexibility and scalability to quickly make changes. There are lots of advantages that users get with this type of hosting service.

Benefits of Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is reliable as your website is hosted virtually that takes the benefits of physical networks. It will reduce the cloud level resource.
This type of service is secure by physical servers that are protected from most third parties who want to access their interrupt or premises their services.
This hosting service is flexible, scalable, and extensible. It doesn’t have the constraints of a single server. You get resources according to your requests and in real-time.
While using Cloud hosting you need to pay for what you use.

Who Should Use Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is best for those who want to access the flexibility that the cloud offers to increase performance and meet surges in traffic.
A good option when your website traffic varies month-to-month like an eCommerce store with seasonal products, a media site with viral content, and more.
New companies and startups who are thinking of implementing growth strategies can prefer cloud hosting.

What Is VPS Hosting?

VPS is hosting that virtually mimics server environments within a shared server. It has become popular as it’s lower in cost than dedicated hosting it offers better security, performance, and reliability compared to shared hosting. Users get access to a server, providing them the freedom to install apps and make environmental changes.

A virtual Private Server is where one physical server has software installed on it that makes separate virtual environments. Every customer is assigned exclusive access to the virtual environments. The server resources are assigned to a virtual environment for exclusive use. There are lots of advantages to choosing VPS hosting for your website.

Benefits of VPS Hosting

VPS hosting provides complete freedom. This hosting server is free to manage, you have access to everything and you can install the software you require.
VPS hosting is efficient. You have resources and are isolated from other servers.
VPS is secure hosting. All files are inaccessible and private to other clients regardless of server rights.

Who Should Use VPS Hosting?
Virtual Private Server can be the right choice for website users who have outgrown their shared hosting plan.
It is a perfect choice for websites that need technical skills to set up a customized environment.
With website complexity, you will need more customization power.
It’s wise to choose VPS hosting when you have website traffic and know how much bandwidth you will need.
You have the software type your website requires and you expect to need access to a server to install and maintain it.
When you expect to run custom plugins and scripts on your website.
VPS provides great customization.

Cloud Vs VPN Hosting: How They Differ from Each Other?
When you are searching for reliable hosting for a website, it’s essential to know the Cloud Vs VPN hosting difference. It can save you from headaches and money and help you to decide which one is perfect to choose. First of all, decide what you need before making the choice. Remember one size doesn’t fit all.

Choosing the one that is not suitable for your specific needs ends up overpaying for the hosting service. Choosing a plan without sufficient resources might result in switching to a different host later. Have a quick look over the pros and cons and in-depth differences between Cloud Vs VPN hosting.

Pros of Cloud HostingPros of VPN Hosting
With VPN hosting, you have allocated resources.
Flexible Pricing
Get access to all of the settings.
Redundancy and rapid deployment
It’s scalable.
ReliabilityAble to customize the configuration.
Cons of Cloud HostingCons of VPN Hosting
Security aren’t guaranteedSingle points of failure.
Learning curveSecurity is not technically guaranteed.
You are still sharing a server.

Want to have in-depth insight into Cloud Vs VPN hosting right here? From performance to price and more helps you decide who is the winner. This helps you make better choices.

Performance (Winner: Cloud)

It’s an obvious factor to consider when choosing a web hosting plan. The website consistently loads fast and is online when people go looking for it. VPN plans tend to have high performance and guarantee a number of server resources. Your performance should not be affected by websites on the server.

If multiple websites on the server face high demands, the server hits up against its limits and performance suffers. People choose a VPS plan through unlikely scenarios. Cloud hosting promises impressive uptime as your website’s are divided between several servers. If one fails then usual backups are built into the system.

For purposes and intents, this is pretty close to a tie. With VPS plans there is a chance of the performance suffering due to higher demands on the server and risk goes out of the cloud hosting window.

Security (Winner: VPS)

You might have heard about website hacking, these consequences are big. Online security is a true concern. Web hosting is part of website security and a matter of concern. Virtual Private Server is secure, but it’s not secure as dedicated hosting. It beats out shared hosting.

The VPS operates on other sites sharing the physical server, keeping it protected from outside access. But there is a chance that poor security of another site could affect your own if you select a web hosting provider that does not treat security as a top concern.

A cloud hosting environment will be secure and separated from users on a physical server network. However, your host is entirely web-based, and this does make it vulnerable to attacks. Choosing a reputable web hosting provider, and security with types of plans should be solid. VPS plan inevitably provides little more security than a cloud one.

Price (It’s a Tie)

Cloud Vs VPS hosting is a step up in features and performance from a shared hosting plan. Thus, you expect to pay with the basic plan providers. Bost hosting servers cost less than dedicated servers. Both of these hosting service plans will fall in the middle price-wise between dedicated and shared hosting.

When it comes to choosing between cloud and VPS hosting, both cost you almost the same. The cost differs based on various details. You can choose to go with Digiturunc as it’s the best VPS & cloud hosting provider and powers millions of websites. You can choose an affordable pricing model as per your requirement and enjoy the hosting service at once.


There are a lot of things around Cloud Vs VPN hosting differences and which one to choose for your website. There are a few similarities and key differences that make a huge impact on the service’s cost-effectiveness, reliability, and scalability. Understanding what they are, how they differ from each other, and which is right to choose can help you figure out the perfect one for your website.

Dedicated Game Server: How To Choose The Right Game Server?

A dedicated game server is a type of server that is solely dedicated to hosting online multiplayer games. Unlike a shared server, a dedicated game server is designed to handle the specific requirements of multiplayer games, which often have high bandwidth and processing demands.

Game developers and publishers use dedicated game servers to host their games and provide players with a reliable and stable online gaming experience. These servers can be hosted in data centers or the cloud. They typically come equipped with robust hardware and networking capabilities to handle the demands of hosting multiple players in real-time.

One of the main advantages of a dedicated game server is that it allows players to connect and play together worldwide, regardless of their physical location. This makes it possible for players to compete against one another, form teams, and engage in collaborative gameplay that would be impossible in a single-player game.

Read Related: Difference Between Shared Hosting and Dedicated server

Overall, a dedicated game server is an essential component of modern online gaming, and it provides a reliable and scalable infrastructure for developers and players alike. In addition, the performance of a good gaming server is outstanding when handling games. In addition, private games can be transformed into a full-blown sandbox experience thanks to the best hosting’s flexibility.

Find out what to look for in dedicated gaming servers by reading on.

How does Owning a Dedicated Server Improve the Overall Gaming Experience?

As a casual gamer, you can play games alone or with friends on a dedicated server without interruption. In addition, you can host a game on your own private server and invite other players to join!

The essential advantages of a dedicated server include the following:

  • High bandwidth availability, a real connection source, and the least amount of risk of lags, interruptions, and other connection issues are all advantages of dedicated servers.
  • Instead of using a pre-made usage model from providers like Google Cloud, they let you control costs and the scalability of your infrastructure with a specific bandwidth.
  • The game is always accessible because dedicated machines have server monitoring around the clock. The game will remain available in most data centers even if the local grid decreases.
  • You won’t have to worry about overheating when you use a dedicated gaming server. Regardless of how much activity the game sees, server farms have steady cooling frameworks that guarantee the foundation can deal with the responsibility.

Read Related: When do you need dedicated servers?

How to Choose the Right Game Server?

Wondering how to choose a game server? Choosing the right game server can significantly impact your gaming experience. Here are some crucial factors to consider when choosing a game server:

Game Type

Different game servers are optimized for different types of games. For example, consider the type of game you want to play and choose a server that is designed to handle that type of game.


Network performance will be very important because latency is another important aspect of online gaming success. In online gaming, a higher latency causes video glitches, slower response to player commands, and gamers being kicked out by time-outs. Given that every millisecond matters in the gaming world, it is essential for your network to deliver information as quickly as possible.


The location of the game server can affect your latency, which can impact your gaming experience. For example, choose a server that is located close to your physical location to reduce latency and improve performance.

Uptime and Stability

Choose a game server with a good track record of uptime and stability. Look for reviews and testimonials from other players to get an idea of the server’s reliability.

Customization Options

Some game servers allow you to customize the game settings, such as game rules, map rotation, and game modes. If you want to customize your gaming experience, choose a server that offers these options.


Look for a game server that offers good customer support. Consider the level of support provided, such as 24/7 support, phone support, and live chat support.


Finally, consider the price of the game server. Look for a server that offers good value for money, with a reasonable price for the features and services offered.

In short, when choosing a game server, consider the game type, player count, location, uptime and stability, customization options, support, and price to ensure you have the best possible gaming experience.

Choosing the Right Game Server Can Make a Platform

Having the appropriate infrastructure in place is of the utmost significance when it comes to developing a successful gaming platform. Planning for long-term success is important, so it’s important to use gaming servers that ensure games have low latency and scalability to stand out in a crowded market.

In conclusion, online gaming relies heavily on game servers and game server hosting. They provide dedicated servers that gamers can rent and use for their online games, as well as the ability for players to connect and play together. In addition, you can elevate your gaming experience to new heights by selecting the appropriate game server host.

Windows or Linux VPS: Which is the Better Choice for You?

Are you trying to choose between a Windows or Linux VPS? If so, this is the perfect post for you. With all of their differences, isolating and understanding the pros and cons of both can be quite tricky. In this blog post, we’ll cover the key features offered by each platform so that you can make an informed decision on which one best fits your needs and preferences.

Whether it’s security, user-friendliness, cost savings, or some other criteria that matters more to you – hopefully by the end of this article we’ll have given you a better idea as to which VPS type gives your business its maximum advantage!

Related Article : Advantages Of VPS Hosting

What is Linux VPS (Virtual Private Server)?

Linux VPS hosting offers a unique solution for online businesses, with better performance and great cost-effectiveness compared to shared Linux hosting.

Linux VPS servers have been designed to handle intense website traffic, delivering more consistent page loading times and better quality of service than traditional web hosting. So, two types of users can benefit from Linux VPS: bloggers looking for cost-effectiveness, as well as website owners dealing with high traffic yet low operating costs.

Linux VPS gives you maximum control over your server environment allowing for easy scalability and customization so you can tailor the services your business needs exactly how you want them!

Amazing Features of Linux VPS Hosting

Linux VPS is open-source and simplifies the workflow. It also provides you access to programming languages including PHP.

It is a reliable VPS and provides you with great flexibility.

You can use fewer line codes, whereas working with the Linux VPS terminal console is easier.
Linux VPS is secure as there are fewer code lines and less graphical environment, hackers can’t have more things to penetrate.

What is Windows VPS (Virtual Private Server)?

Windows VPS hosting is a great option for small and medium-sized businesses due to its powerful infrastructure and affordable prices.

With NVM storage tech and KVM virtualization, you also benefit from beneficial server operations like mobility, scalability, security, flexibility, manageability, and more.

Linux VPS hosting may have its pros as well, but Windows VPS clearly provides enough efficiency and features for SMBs to reach their goals.

When you invest in a Windows-based virtual private server, you can equip employees with the best tools that allow them to collaborate on projects from anywhere in the world – it’s the perfect setup for a virtual office environment!

Amazing Features of Windows VPS Hosting

  • Easy to use and great flexibility
  • Easy to configure and set up
  • Reliable and high-speed uploads
  • Powerful memory
  • User-friendly graphical interface

Difference Between Windows VPS Vs. Linux VPS Hosting

There are lots of differences that help you make a better choice when it comes to Windows VPS and Linux VPS hosting. These includes:


Linux VPS has been proven to have better performance than a Windows-based operating system, shifting the focus from Graphical User Interface (GUT) to the command line. Linux requires less of your resources and can easily handle high website loads without being rebooted.

On the other hand, when it comes to Windows VPS, you need to reboot for minor changes or updates such as the installation of drivers and software updates. If not optimized properly, it may require more resources in the long run.

In conclusion, Linux operating systems are superior in terms of performance when compared to their Windows counterparts.


If you’re looking for the greatest bang for your buck, Linux VPS Hosting is the answer for you. Since Linux is an open-source system, it does not require any licensing fees, allowing you to save upfront costs. Windows, on the other hand, charges license fees and provides servers that are tailored to perform specialized tasks at a higher price.

If cost is an issue then Linux VPS Hosting should be your primary consideration due to its affordability while still providing the same features and functionality as Windows. People with a limited budget can take advantage of Linux’s low prices without sacrificing quality and performance.

Control Panel

Whether you need to control Linux or Windows virtual private servers, there are several available options. Linux VPS usually features cPanel or Web Host Manager (WHM) such as those used in many shared hosting plans.

If you’re using Windows VPS, the best choice is usually Plesk – a user-friendly control panel that can help you to manage your websites easily. Other popular choices include vDesk, Parallels, etc. With a reliable control panel, you’re able to customize and manage settings according to your preference and specific needs.


The support of dedicated software engineers makes Linux OS more secure. When users face threats with Linux OS it can be resolved speedily. This is the main reason why this VPS is widely used by users.

Compared to that, Windows is the most attacked OS. Microsoft’s professional team always tries to keep up with hackers, but hackers succeeded in finding Windows security weaknesses. This means Windows has less security compared to Linux.

Related Article: Cloud Security Issues To Monitor

Technical Support

You need to pay for enjoying “world-class technical support”. Moreover, there are instances that help to get the problem resolved as soon as possible. Community support is quite better in Linux. The developer’s network is always ready to solve all your queries as early as possible. You don’t have to pay for team support at Linux.

Easy of Use

Many people are familiar with Windows OS. They are familiar with Windows usage, making Windows VPS easy to use for users. Windows VPS has a Graphical User Interface (GUI), making it easy to manage a server.

Moreover, very few users are familiar with Linux OS. If you haven’t used Linux before, users will definitely find it tough to use the Terminal. No Graphical Interface makes it harder for a less-techy person to manage the server.

Windows VPS Vs Linux VPS: Which is Right to Use?

Wondering about Linux VPS or Windows VPS, which is perfect to choose? We have discussed each aspect, but the final decision depends on the users. If users have a complete understanding of the usage of Windows VPS and Linux VPS. If you choose Windows VPS then remember that it’s not flexible, secure, and costlier.

If you are looking for a secure, flexible, and affordable option, Linux VPS is the right option to choose. This article might help you to make a better option. Choosing between the two can be a bit difficult. But go for the one that is more suitable and beneficial for you.

Protect Your Cloud Applications: Top Cloud Security Issues To Monitor in 2023

All organizations that rely on cloud platforms require enhanced security that still allows team members, customers, and other stakeholders to access applications and online data from various locations. In addition, businesses need to be aware of the security risks associated with cloud computing as cloud storage and applications continue to rise.

The use of the cloud is still expanding significantly. In point of fact, Gartner predicts that public cloud end-user spending worldwide will increase by 18% to $304.9 billion in 2021.
However, some businesses still need to be convinced despite the ongoing shift to the cloud. Sixty-six percent of IT professionals cite security as their top concern when considering an enterprise cloud computing strategy.

Well, don’t be overly concerned. Because the top cloud security threats that most businesses face today—as well as ways to avoid or mitigate them—will be discussed in this blog. Shall we begin? Here we go.

Related Article: How to stop DDOS Attacks on My Website

Defining the Cloud Application Security

Cloud application security stands for protecting the applications that are hosted in the cloud throughout their development cycle. It includes application-level policies, technologies, and rules to safeguard cloud-based applications from cyberattacks, maintain visibility into all cloud-based assets, and restrict access to authorized users.

Cloud application security is crucial for businesses that use collaborative web applications like Slack or Box and operate in a multi-cloud environment hosted by a third-party cloud provider like Amazon or Google.

Despite their transformational nature for the company and its workforce, these services or applications significantly expand the attack surface by providing numerous new entry points for adversaries to launch attacks on the network.

What Are Top Cloud Security Issues?

Cloud Security Issues To Monitor in 2023
Source: Swiss Cyber Institute

Cybersecurity professionals, particularly cloud security engineers, are tasked with resolving various cloud security issues and obstacles due to the rising demand for cloud technologies that can be accessed from various locations. Given its expanding popularity, what are the security risks associated with cloud computing? Below, we discuss the most prevalent cyber threats.

Data Breaching

A data breach occurs when confidential information belonging to your company is accessed and utilized without your knowledge or consent. It is essentially a theft, typically due to inadequate credentials or intricate accessibility systems that may grant permissions to the wrong individuals.

Sensitive information can be found in emails and internal documents that could be used to harm a company’s reputation and lower its stock price. For example, businesses that store data in the cloud face a significant risk from breaches, regardless of the motivation for the theft.

How to overcome it?

Encryptions: Sensitive data can be protected before it leaves your company’s premises and heads to the cloud by using encryption at the network edge.
Multi-factor Authentication: Valid credentials must be entered to access. This will mitigate the risk gradually.

DDoS Attacks

Another very common way to attack the cloud that does a lot of damage. A type of attack known as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) involves flooding legitimate users with malicious connection requests to prevent them from accessing online services.

Tips for Dealing with DDoS Attacks in the Cloud

Need more bandwidth on the internet connection for your business. Hackers need to do more to flood your connection with bandwidth.
Keep a backup internet connection. If the primary circuit is overloaded with requests, a backup connection with a separate pool of IP addresses provides an alternative route.
Set up WAF rules to block malicious IPs. Your WAF firewall can be set up with custom rules to monitor and block traffic based on your needs.

Protect your Online Business with Digiturunc’s DDoS Protection Solution

Misconfigured Cloud Services

Because it simply results from human error, one of the most significant threats to cloud security can be avoided entirely. For example, a cloud misconfiguration occurs when a user or administrator misconfigured the security settings of a cloud platform. For example, an administrator may permit unrestricted outbound access by accident, allowing unprivileged servers and applications to communicate with one another.

According to a DivvyCloud study, the number of records exposed by cloud misconfigurations increased by 80% between 2018 and 2019.

How to Prevent This Issue?

Utilize multi-factor authentication (MFA) to lessen the likelihood of credential compromise resulting in unauthorized access.
Set up a SIEM in the cloud. A SIEM can find risky internet connections like RDP and FTP.

Malicious Insiders

One of the most common threats to cloud security involves a malicious employee or contractor gaining access to the company’s cloud infrastructure to steal or destroy data.

How to Combat This?

A comprehensive access management policy that includes thorough background checks for all employees and ensures that all employees know the security policies and procedures in place is the best defense against this.

Compliance with Law and Regulation

A cloud is a potent tool that can help businesses cut costs and make their operations run more smoothly. However, in order to safeguard data and ensure compliance with legal requirements, cloud computing presents new security challenges that must be addressed.

To protect the security and integrity of their cloud-based systems, businesses must ensure data security and adhere to legal and regulatory requirements. When using cloud computing, businesses face several challenges, including malware, data breaches, and phishing.

How to Counter this Threat?

Regular security audits, up-to-date security configurations, robust authentication procedures, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and software and operating system updates are essential for countering these cybersecurity threats.

While cloud computing can make cyberattacks more likely, businesses that pay close attention to their security measures can stay ahead of their rivals in this changing market.

Wrapping Things Up on Cloud Security Threats

The transition to a cloud-based environment gives businesses the scalability and adaptability they need to compete in today’s uncertain business environment. Also, remember that migrating to the cloud can put your business at risk for security issues if you don’t use best practices.

Cloud computing has its fair share of security issues, including frequent configuration errors, identity, and access management issues, difficulties in adhering to regulations, and the need for greater system visibility. Additionally, it is challenging to locate competent specialists who comprehend cloud security to manage internal systems. Risks like cyberattacks, data loss, and insider threats can result from these issues.

Multiple cloud security threats have been listed in this blog. You will unavoidably be susceptible to some of these threats if you do not invest in the necessary resources and defenses, which is one of the recurring difficulties. Be aware of the threats and seek professional training assistance if you need more internal resources to prepare for them.